Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

In compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, (AODA) Cineflix strives to provide equal access and accommodation to our premises and to communicate with individuals in a manner that is accessible to all our customers and respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. The company will ensure that each accommodation provides a seamless integration with all customers. 

Since Cineflix is committed to fulfilling, maintaining, and improving upon the requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, the company is implementing a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. This plan will be reviewed every three years, which will allow the company to track progress and achievements on each initiative that will increase our accessibility to all customers and employees. 

Past Achievements have Included:

  • In 2016, we added the Accessibility Policy to our website, with information on Notice of Disruptions and details on how to provide feedback on the accessibility of our services and contact information.
  • All staff members and interns are required to complete the required AODA trainings.
  • We have a process in place for employees to request individual support in emergency situations, such as building evacuations.
  • Cineflix job postings confirm that accommodations are available on request for candidates with disabilities.
  • All new hires are notified of our policies and processed for accommodating employees with disabilities.
  • We launched Cineflix’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) program, focusing on the ongoing process of education to build awareness and increase diversity at the company.
  • We formed a DE&I Council who work together to implement initiatives promoting the company’s DE&I objectives. 
  • We increased mentorship opportunities to foster the careers of diverse professionals. For example, Cineflix partnered with local universities in Toronto to guide students as they enter the industry.

Cineflix remains dedicated to striving for justice for people of all races, orientations, and abilities. The company will continue this journey and, while acknowledging that there has been some progress. Cineflix also recognizes that it must and will do better at this over time.

Current Situation, Strategies, and Actions:

Accessibility Policy & Plan Review 
Cineflix is committed to reviewing its policies and procedures to remove and prevent barriers for people with disabilities. The DE&I committee will also review policies and bring new suggestions when possible. This multi-year accessibility plan will be reviewed and updated to ensure compliance is always achieved. 

Cineflix will continue to ensure that all new hires are trained with the appropriate Ontario AODA trainings within two weeks of their start date. In addition, new DE&I seminars, speaker panels, and related trainings will continue to be added to increase employee awareness and create a more inclusive company culture. 

Cineflix is committed to fair and accessible employment practices. The company will continue to reach out to organizations which may increase our exposure to a diverse pool of candidates and will work on identifying any potential barriers during the recruitment process. The company will seek out additional mentorship and internship opportunities by connecting with program coordinators at local universities and industry partners. 

Information and Communications 
The company is committed to making our information and communications accessible to people with disabilities. We will continue to audit all our information channels and make improvements, where necessary, to make our information accessible to all individuals. Cineflix will work with the person with a disability to determine what method of communication works for them. 

Design of Public Spaces 
Cineflix’s offices are accessible for people with disabilities, and we are continuously looking for ways to make our offices even more inclusive, based on our employees’ and outside parties’ feedback. Cineflix is unfortunately limited in what it can change outside of our office spaces, due to the company not owning the buildings. 

In addition, the company will provide notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the facilities or services usually used by people with disabilities. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available. The notice will be sent out by email to all employees and will be posted at Reception and on the HR Board in each office. 

For More Information 
For more information or to receive accessible formats of the accessibility plan, please contact the HR department at