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Croc Terror: Man-Eating Monster

Program Overview


2 x 60 min


Hoff Productions


Reelz (US)

International Sales

A Philippine village is under attack, and Croc Terror: Man-Eating Monster tells their incredible story. After a fisherman, countless domestic animals, and a 12-year-old on her way to school are devoured, the entire community joins forces to hunt down the killer croc. Three experienced hunters lead the team. But the massive, seemingly uncatchable beast destroys every trap they set. That is, until the local mayor engineers the ultimate solution.

More than 20 feet long and well over 2,000 pounds, Lolong ultimately claimed the Guinness World Record as the largest crocodile ever captured and placed in captivity. Featuring astounding archival video of the capture, Croc Terror: Man-Eating Monster retraces this extraordinary tale and along the way, explores the complicated relationship between humans and the natural world.