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Program Overview


1 x 90 min



International Sales

Messwood tells the incredible true story of two neighbouring Milwaukee, Wisconsin high schools—one predominantly Black, and the other largely white—who join forces as one football team. United under the leadership of their committed coach—and set against the backdrop of America’s ongoing racial reckoning—the film follows the team as they hone their game and attitude, all while navigating a season unlike any other.

Chronicling their struggles both on and off the field, this feature documentary is a nuanced portrait of resilience as they win, lose, and pick themselves up. And it’s a powerful metaphor for the true strength of inclusivity when we all shoot for the same goal.

From Participant (American Factory), Messwood is directed and produced by Emily Kuester and Brad Lichtenstein, and executive produced by award-winning filmmaker Steve James (Hoop Dreams), Jeff Skoll, and Diane Weyermann.

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